This trip be a UUUUUUGE deal, as Presidential candidate Trump might say… The dream of any self-respecting Whisky lover, it’s probably safe to say that this seven-day trip to the Scottish Highlands is going to make everyone the winner knows very envious.
From the sound of the waves gently lapping against the rocky Northern coast, to visiting Edradour and Dalwhinnie distilleries, with the warehouses stacked barrels high with delicious golden dram, to the aromas of wood and alcohol hanging high in the air, the obligatory Whisky tasting events, the tours to be had, this is sure to be one memorable trip for our winner!
We are quite happy to announce that our Scotland trip winner is none other than Victor from boozy and magnificent New Orleans, Louisiana in the US, who has just won himself a one week long, spirits-infused trip to Scotland, courtesy of InsideHook, in partnership with Sherman’s Travel, Outside, Tour Radar, and, of course, ourselves here at Flaviar.The point of this contest was to give you booze hounds the chance to win an amazing adventure to the Scottish Highlands that you would never, EVER forget, so we thought it might be a good idea to contact the winner and ask him a few meddlesome questions about his plans for the trip.
While Victor packs his bags to go on his propitious holiday, what follows is our Q&A with him about his plans for this once-in-a-lifetime trip.
Victor, where did you find out about our giveaway?
I believe it might have been while I was just skimming through Facebook. I have wanted to visit Scotland for a while, so when I saw the words “Scotland” and “trip”, I just blindly signed up. I never really sign up for sweepstakes and the like, but I believe I had an exam coming up and was looking for an escape.
Have you won anything like this before?
Never, which is why I actually thought this was a scam when I first saw the message that I had won. Sorry to all of the folks over at InsideHook for all of the trouble I gave them verifying that I had actually won something.
When are you planning on taking your trip?
This December, just in time for the New Year!
Is this going to be your first trip to Scotland? And what are you looking forward to the most?
This will be my very first trip to Scotland. I am excited to see the some of the Scottish distilleries, especially after seeing a few of them already in the US, Ireland and Taiwan. The little nerd in me gets really excited over the process of how things are made. I also used to be “outdoorsier”, before I became more domesticated during college, so it will be nice to get out and explore the Scottish Highlands.
Are you a Whisky fan? And do you have a favourite Scotch or style of Scotch?
Yes, I am. I tend to flip-flop a lot between different Whiskies and styles. I am a huge fan of the Balvenie 21 year Portwood, whenever I can get my hands on it. I haven’t really tried enough different Scotches to establish a true “favourite”, so I guess I will just have to do some tasting on this trip (darn!).
Have you already decided whom the lucky person coming on this trip with you will be?
My father. He needs the exercise.
If any of your Flaviaristas reading this would like to have an opportunity to win something as cool as a weeklong getaway to the Scottish highlands, it’s as simple as signing up to our newsletters and staying tuned for the next big Flaviar giveaway.